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Prayer Necklace Best 1 Jewelry Store

Prayer Necklace Best 1 Jewelry Store

Prayer Necklace Best 1 Jewelry Store Like worship, prayers can be done individually or collectively. Many authentic hadiths emphasizing the importance of prayer have been carried to the present day by many people after centuries.

According to a hadith reported by Buhari, Hz. Muhammad once said that ‘Allah loves those who persist in prayer’. The importance and wisdom of prayer is emphasized in this way in order not to fall into despair and not to lose hope in Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Many hadiths emphasizing the power of prayer are also cited from famous hadith scholars such as Bukhari and Abu Dawud.

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The saying “Prayer is a shield against accident” was said in Medina and has survived to the present day. Here, the preventive power of prayer is discussed rather than its constructive and restorative power.

Using a prayer necklace will bring you closer to God.

Some of the narrated hadiths have the meaning and nature of prayer directly. It is found in many sources and Hz. One of the most frequent prayers of Muhammad is the following hadith

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“O Allah, give us beauty in this world and in the hereafter. Protect us from the torment / shame of hell. In this concise prayer, Muhammad underlined that a Muslim should only seek help from Allah for his life in this world and in the hereafter.

Before or after meals. It is recorded that Muhammad prayed as follows: “O Allah, give us the cleanest sustenance and well-being. Protect us from haram and direct our hearts only to you.

As it can be understood from these hadiths, a Muslim should pray frequently, not only for the fulfillment of a wish, but also for praising and giving thanks to Allah.

As it is known, there are many different types of prayer. Negative hadiths about prayers in Islam known as ‘curse’ are also reported.

For, a Muslim should not wish the evil of another person, nor should he pray for it. At the same time, there are hadiths that are of a warning nature.

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“Beware of the curse of the oppressed. It is possible for the prayers of oppressed people to be accepted by Allah, as in the hadith “Even if it is a spark, it can rise to the sky”.

There are many different verses in the Quran that are directly in the form of prayer. The majority of these verses consist of examples of the prayers of our prophets.

For example, This prayer that Moses uttered when he was in a difficult situation set an example for all other Muslims:

”My God. You forgive our sins. Forgive the excesses in our deeds and deeds. On the ground / Press our feet firmly on the earth. Help us against the infidels who have disbelieved.

As can be seen from this extremely concise and deep prayer, every Muslim who is in trouble should seek help from Allah alone.

Although there is help and solidarity among believers, real help can only come from Allah. In every struggle against the oppression of the infidels, prayer has a power that both relieves the heart and leads people to success.

Prayer is a form of communication. It means the dialogue between the holiest and the most imperfect. If you are praying, you are not the only one speaking.

God always speaks, so we must listen carefully so that we can hear Him. That is the essence of prayer. Allah is not only the one who comes to our mind when we want to ask for something, he is always watching us with his love and compassion.

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One of the biggest reasons why we wear a dual necklace is the desire to always have a piece of Him on us. Those who are constantly in prayer and  prefer to wear prayer necklaces. In addition, those who do not go well, think that they are evil, and they want to wear a necklace with an evil eye prayer.

Acting as our conscience allows should be taken as a basis in such events. Let’s not forget that the religion of Islam is not a religion of difficulties, but a religion of convenience.

Human beings act with their conscience by nature. If you are carrying a prayer necklace and entering a place that cannot be worshiped, the answer to what you can do is hidden in your conscience.

If your evil eye prayer necklace, Ayetel Kürsi necklace or Solomon Seal necklace is closed and not visible, there is no harm in entering.

For this situation in fiqh books; He argues that if you have a prayer ring or necklace with the words of Allah and the Prophet on you, it should be removed when entering the toilet.

But if you say that if I remove it, it will disappear, you can enter the toilet by turning it upside down, taking it into your palm and closing your fist tightly.

If our Prophet (pbuh) entered an inappropriate place with the ring on his finger with Allah (c.c) and Muhammad (s.a.v) written on the ring, he would turn the ring inwards and put it on his right hand.

Considering this narration, we can say that a person who enters the toilet with the name of Allah or the name of the Prophet on it must hide his ring.

If the ring is worn on the left hand, it must be taken into the palm of the right hand or removed from the finger, since the bidet will be taken.

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First of all, gold jewelry such as necklaces, rings and bracelets that can be used by men and women is forbidden for men. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

“Silk and gold are haram for the men of my ummah, but permissible for the women.” Silver and stone jewelery are also permissible for men.

According to some people, it is not right to wear jewelry with Allah, Prophet, Verses and Prayers on it. However, our Master the Prophet had a silver ring made and both put it on his finger and used it as a seal.

The inscription “Muhammadun Rasulullah”, that is, “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”, is written on the ring he had made.

Therefore, we can say that wearing a prayer necklace is not a sin. You should not forget that you should not forget the weight of the prayer, verse or word that you carry on you and act accordingly.

Prayer is a dialogue tool that aims to make up for one’s own needs and deficiencies on the one hand, and to reach more perfection on the other, as a result of such a contact.

In other words, prayer is a bridge built by the limited, finite and helpless being with the unlimited and infinite power. For this reason, man has never been away from prayer in any period of history.

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Although it is not a condition for the acceptance of the prayer, some formal elements have been observed in practice. These are more related to time, place and forms of prayer.

Although prayer can be done anywhere, special places for prayer have been determined in various religions throughout history or it has been thought that praying in these places will be more effective.

Apart from the temples built for the purpose of performing prayers and worship in congregation, places such as high places, rocks and mountains, and around some trees, where divine power manifested on various occasions, were also popular as places of prayer.

Although the individual prayer can always be done, care has been taken to choose certain times in order to be more reliable. Various religious and historical events are effective in determining the time of prayers and worship, as well as the rhythm of nature.

The common prayer seen in primitive communities is in the form of the congregation’s participation (saying amen) in the prayers of the head of the family, the head of the tribe or the priest.

The desire to be protected from evil and to benefit from the blessings of the world is the most decisive feature in determining the primitive state of prayer. In Indian mysticism there is a type of prayerless prayer that originates from the Upanishads and is based on the psychotechnics of yoga.

In Hinduism, prayer is done with believable words; The common prayer symbol is “om”, a kind of basmala. In Buddhism, there is no specific prayer to the supreme being, but there is a tradition of praying to Buddha and making requests from him.

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In Shintoism, prayer is performed by offering rice and rice wine to the gods at the temple or home.

In ancient Mexico, Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek religions, there are collective poems that are similar to each other and used instead of prayer. In Manichaean prayer, a dualist view that affects the soul is dominant.

Romans usually prayed in the temple of Jupiter. In the Germanic religion, magic has a supreme power over prayer. However, in primitive societies, it is very difficult to determine the boundary between magic and  prayer neclake 

In the Greek religion, prayer began with traditional cleansing and ended with classical supplication. During the prayer, the Sumerians would put their hands on their heads, clapping their hands on their foreheads to show their joy and to make the prayer believable, thus showing respect to their dead.

This situation is also seen in East Asia, especially in Indian yoga.

Prayer in Islam. The words da’vâ and da’wa are used in the same sense in some verses together with the word prayer, which is mentioned in twenty places in the Qur’an; In addition, many verses contain verbs from the root of prayer.

In these verses, prayer and its derivatives are used in the sense of invoking Allah, asking for His favor by presenting his wishes and needs, calling, calling out, inviting, worshiping, calling for help, presenting a situation, recognizing the oneness of Allah, attributing and claiming.

See M. F. Abdulbâkī, al-Mu’cem, “dʿav” art.). Prayer and its derivatives are frequently repeated in hadiths with this meaning (see Wensinck, al-Mu’cem, “dʿav” md.). Ibn Manzur stated that there are three main ways of praying and listed them as follows:

1. Expressing the oneness of Allah and praising Him.

2. Do not make spiritual requests from Allah such as forgiveness and mercy.

3. Asking for worldly blessings from Allah (Lisânü’l-ʿArab, “dʿav” md.). The same author pointed out that every word that usually starts with addresses and calls such as “Ya Rabbi, my God” or praises

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Allah -even if there is no wish or request- is a prayer. In a hadith of the Prophet about the day of Arafa, “My prayer and the prayer of those before me are the words of ‘La ilahe illallāhu vahdehû la şerîke leh lehü’l-mulkü wa lehü’l-hamdü wa huve alâ kulli shey’s power'”.

shows evidence; therefore, he reminds us that religious expressions such as tehlîl (lâ ilaha illallah), tahmid (alhamdulillah) are called dua in the Islamic tradition.

As a matter of fact, it is stated in the Qur’an (Yunus 10/10) that the prayers of believers in Paradise will begin with the words of glorification and praise of Allah (subhânekellāhümme), and that their prayers will end with words of praise (al-hamdu lillahi rabbi’l-alamîn).

Prayer is the main element of human servitude to Allah, and the term prayer in general terms in Islamic literature has gained a wide content, which also expresses the various aspects of this element explained with different concepts.

The religious content of this concept is clearly seen when we look at the verb of prayer with the notion that it is used together. Accordingly, prayer means that the servant wishes something from Allah, wants Allah, calls Allah for help, and remembers him.

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In other words, the servant turns to Allah for something or for the sake of Allah, under the influence of the conditions he is in.

In this case, the concept of  prayer necklace  means that religious feeling and orientation within the semantic field reconstituted in the Islamic period are adjacent to each other, such as dhikr, rosary, praise, sena, gratitude, repentance,

istigfar, istiâze, etc. forms the general framework of their appearance. In order to get out of difficult and troublesome situations and avoid being exposed to bad situations, a person remembers Allah, sincerely confesses his weakness, weakness and faults and asks Him for help.

In the Islamic understanding of life, it is important for a person to make an application that will attract His attention and mercy if he turns towards Allah.

In a hadith, the joy of Allah in repentance is likened to the joy of a person who lost his camel in the desert and then found it (Muslim, “Tawba”, 2). However, the first step in the realization of this divine mercy and interest must be taken by the servant.

Regarding the relationship between Allah and His servant, Hz. The Qur’an gave the following answer to the question posed to the Prophet

“I am close; when someone asks me for something, I answer his prayer” (al-Baqara 2/186). In a hadîth-i qudsi, it is stated that the interest and love of the servant for his Lord will be greatly rewarded (Muslim, “Tawba”, 1; Tirmidhi, “Da’avât”, 132).

Worship and prayer, by making the consciousness of Allah more vivid and continuous in the servant, to bring the sensitivity and altruism necessary for a moral life; It is also expected to enable the realization of the clarity of mind, moral strength, common sense and foresight necessary to solve problems in a rational way and make life happier.

In this case, prayer becomes a real tawakkul; that is, all necessary ways of solving or preventing a problem are searched with the calmness and strength provided by relying on Allah, and the good outcome is expected from Allah.

Generally, when a person feels that the power of reason and knowledge are not enough to understand and organize complex life events, although he takes the necessary precautions, he waits with prayer and leaves the outcome of the work to Allah.

However, the hasty and easy nature of man often leads him to wait for the fulfillment of his wishes by simply reading, repeating or keeping some prayer clichés with him, that is, by using prayer as a kind of magic technique.

In the Qur’an, it is emphasized that the prayer necklace should be directed only to Allah.

Praying and worshiping other than Allah, idols or other creatures to whom absolute qualities are attributed is strictly prohibited in the Qur’an (for example, see al-Shuara 26/213; al-Qasas 28/88).

According to the description of the Qur’an, those who pray to other than Allah are like those who open their hands towards water to bring water to their mouth, but their hands remain empty (ar-Ra’d 13/14).

However, those who are called upon besides Allah are His servants and creatures (al-A’raf 7/194, 195; an-Nahl 16/20). For this reason, praying to anyone other than Allah is “a clear error” (al-Haj 22/12, 13) and “the prayer of the unbelievers is a vain prayer” (al-Mu’min 40/50).

There are many documents showing that remembrance of Allah and taking refuge in Him will lead to the pleasure of Allah, as well as many benefits and rewards, whether near or far, as a result of closeness to Him.

According to the Qur’an, Allah responds to the one who prays (al-Mu’min 40/60) and Allah also mentions the one who remembers Allah (al-Baqara 2/152). The fact that an important part of the requests in the prayers in the verses are for the purpose of protecting life and personality, requires believing that prayer is beneficial in principle.

However, Hz. According to the explanation of the Prophet, there are several alternatives in accepting the prayer. What he wants is either given immediately in this world or kept in the hereafter, or an evil as much as the good he desires is removed from him (Musnad, III, 18).

Not only appealing to Allah for needs and mistakes, but also remembering and commemorating Him for His blessings bring about psychological comfort, peace and happiness (er-Ra’d 13/28; al-A’la 87/15; Ibn Mace, “Adab”, 53; Tirmidhi, “Da’avât”, 7)

Also leads to moral purification and exaltation, and performs a constructive function in preventing snags and deviations in the developmental stages and completing the personality

(Ghazali, I, 297, 302; Fırat, p. 117; Yaparel, pp. 28-33, 145). According to a hadîth-i qudsi, the rapprochement that occurs with prayer necklace  and worship leads to the love of Allah, and this love leads to the emergence of a sensitive conscience and common sense in the servant (Bukhari, “Riḳāḳ”, 38).

Hz. The Prophet said, “My God! Cleanse my mistakes with snow and hail water; cleanse my heart from sins as you cleansed my white clothes from dirt” (Ibn Majah, “Du’âʾ”, 3) this prayer, which removes the traces of the mistakes and sins committed in the human conscience and is instrumental in spiritual purification. expressed its effect.

However, in religion, the otherworldly consequences of good deeds, prayers and worship are emphasized. What matters is the reward, reward and happiness in eternal life.

However, it should be considered natural for a Muslim to expect otherworldly consequences in his actions while also expecting positive results in this world.

In fact, according to a prayer taught in the Qur’an, it is necessary to ask our Lord for goodness and beauty both in this world and in the hereafter (al-Baqara 2/201; en-Nahl 16/122).

The importance of the intensity of religious consciousness experienced while praying has been pointed out in the acceptance of prayers.

In such a situation, Allah becomes the sole subject of human consciousness, other interests and desires are erased, emotional tension clears the human conscience and makes it open to Allah.

In the Qur’an, this situation is defined as “making religion pure for Allah” (for example, see al-Mu’min 40/14, 65). In a hadith, it is stated that one should pray in a state of mind that he believes will definitely receive a response, and that a prayer coming from a heedless heart will not be close to acceptance (Tirmidhi, “Daʿavât”, 66).

The common feature seen in people whose prayers will be accepted is that consciousness is covered with a religious color.

According to the hadiths, a person who is helpless in the face of danger or persecution is one of those whose heart is full of love, parents who wish for the well-being of others, a just president who works for the community,

And those whose fasting prayers that restrain body desires for Allah cannot be turned down (Bukhari, “Jihad”, 180; Ibn Mâce, “Du’âʾ”, 11; Abu Dâvûd, “Ṣalât”, 364; Tirmidhi, “Da’avât”, 129). In addition, it is considered among the necessary conditions that the prayer should not be aimed at committing a sin or breaking kinship relations, and not to be hasty in its acceptance.

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